giovedì 31 dicembre 2020

My Parody "Buzzard And Sky Reconsidered" in "A Surrealist Almanac - 2020"

I couldn't be prouder that my parody/pastiche/prophecy 

"Buzzard and Sky Reconsidered, or the Day of the Last Ominous Omelette" 

has been included together with a related illustration by yours truly in 'A Surrealist Almanac - 2020' edited by Tim White. ssp

Here's a brief extract:

[...] One evening, sitting at my table weak and weary, I had the vision of a man with a breaded chicken steak in his hand, riflewise. His failure to agitate the phlegmatic conundrum of my emotional state gradually drove me into a trance-like stateliness. I was forever plummeting towards and never reaching vast pastures of scrambled eggs. The girl next door, evidently with chickenpox, smirkingly struck her favourite pose on the bend of my elbow [...]

Download it now! (PDF)