lunedì 23 luglio 2018

Two poems by Massimo Stirneri (Translation from the Italian by Maurizio Brancaleoni)

Massimo Stirneri, 32, lives in Perugia. He writes mainly poetry and prose and also creates visual poems. 
He posts all his works both in English and Italian on his blog:
His poems have also appeared in some American online journals.

The following two poems come from his collection “Varie”, which won first prize in the prestigious poetry contest “Opera Prima 2017” organized by the website Poesia 2.0 (you can read the book in Italian here).

* All rights reserved. No part of the following translations may be reproduced in any form or by any means without prior authorization. Copyright infringement is a criminal offense under international law. *

like the cavity or the slit of a gutter
you wish you could go out get in uncertain blindfold on the wait
to fit out with lost objects, democratic goals
threshold deities able to bite backwards
in the intact house, under the lips other ailments rotate
from the adhering immanence denied at the finale
three times no, as everything is permitted, like hope


of courage every title to speak
because I am like a mother woman
more academic unfortunately. genitive
name inspired by the antidote, fear
is not natural, something induced that they create
the guard that he places, they erode the vice at the end
to protect man from cruelty to a minimum extent
for the punishment of transgression, the profound
significance of the allegations, may they unexpected he prevent
the farsightedness of return a unique dedication
hence may they have the ambit of distribution according
ça va sans dire – to what comes right and in consecutive order, we shall conclude
not even facing extreme situations, pain be feared
on a par «they will burn them, it continues, and we will
match the gravity of the problem «keep anxiety out of Europe
it seems reality, this - I find - version I'll make myself again
vulnerabilities so deep-seated that they become the signature
of collaboration, levers resting on a low fulcrum
of course. it happens though. either-or at the root
doubly to see some of it again
causing sensation to each other resignedly:
simple contract
of adulthood

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mercoledì 11 luglio 2018

Kafka, "Un medico di campagna" - Traduzione di Maurizio Brancaleoni (eBook gratuito)

"Un medico di campagna"
Franz Kafka 
Traduzione di Maurizio Brancaleoni

Tutti i diritti della seguente traduzione sono riservati. È vietata la riproduzione, totale o parziale, in alcuna forma o con qualsiasi mezzo, senza il permesso dell’autore.

Ero in grande difficoltà: mi si prospettava un viaggio urgente; un malato grave mi attendeva in un paese distante dieci miglia; una violenta bufera di neve riempiva il vasto spazio tra me e lui; un carro l’avevo, leggero, a ruote alte, proprio come si addice alle nostre strade di campagna; infagottato nella pelliccia, la borsa degli strumenti in mano, stavo già nel cortile pronto a partire; ma il cavallo mancava, il cavallo. 

Il mio di cavallo, la notte passata, in seguito agli sforzi eccessivi di questo inverno gelido, era morto di stenti; la mia serva correva ora in giro per il paese per farsi dare un cavallo in prestito; ma non c’era speranza, lo sapevo, e sempre più ricoperto di neve, facendomi sempre più immobile, rimanevo lì senza scopo...

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