Thrilled to have a second set of haiku on the theme of ‘nostalgia’ in “The Daily Verse” segment of the monthly e-mag “The Wise Owl”! haikua ssp
Maurizio Brancaleoni's blog. Reviews, interviews, and translations. Bilingual. Un blog di Maurizio Brancaleoni. Recensioni, interviste e traduzioni. Bilingue.
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mercoledì 30 ottobre 2024
More Nostalgia-Themed Haiku in "The Daily Verse"

martedì 29 ottobre 2024
My Autum Short Verse in Haiku Column's Daily Best
Thanks a lot to Nagata Mitunori for including my autumn short poem in Haiku Column’s Daily Best for October 3! The translation into Japanese is by talented poet Tadashi Otsuru. “Acquainted with the lamplight” is my approximate translation of the seasonal phrase 灯火親し(touka shitashimu) which refers to getting accustomed to reading by lamplight in long autumn evenings/nights.haikua ssp

domenica 27 ottobre 2024
My Fog Poem in "Modern Haiku"
Many thanks to editor Paul Miller for including my haiku in the Autumn Issue (Vol. 55.3) of “Modern Haiku”! haikua ssp

mercoledì 16 ottobre 2024
My Summer Micropoem in "Fireflies' Light"
Elated and honored to have my summer haiku in the October issue of the online journal “Fireflies’ Light”! haikua ssp

giovedì 3 ottobre 2024
My Crow Haiku Re-Published on Charlotte Digregorio's Blog
Thank you very much to Charlotte Digregorio for re-publishing on her blog my crow-themed haiku originally featured in “Haiku Dialogue”! Grazie mille a Charlotte Digregorio per aver ripubblicato sul suo blog un mio haiku sul tema del “corvo” apparso per la prima volta su “Haiku Dialogue”! haikua ssp apsv

My Ku on the Theme of Nostalgia in "The Daily Verse"
Honored to be featured in “The Daily Verse” for the second time with a bunch of haiku centered on “nostalgia”! haikua ssp

martedì 1 ottobre 2024
My Sea Haiku in "Hedgerow"
Heartfelt thanks to editor Caroline Skanne for including my haiku in “Hedgerow: a journal of small poems”, Issue #146! haikua ssp

My Summer and Autumn Haiku in "Synchronized Chaos"
Huge thanks to editor Cristina Deptula for publishing my summer and fall haiku in the October issue of “Synchronized Chaos”! Un grandissimo “grazie” a Cristina Deptula per aver pubblicato i miei haiku estivi e autunnali nel numero di ottobre di “Synchronized Chaos”! Here you can read them all / Qui potete leggerli tutti:
Below are some of my favorites / Di seguito alcuni dei miei preferiti: haikua ssp apsv