martedì 28 maggio 2024

My Micropoem in Haiku Column's Daily Best

Grateful to Nagata Mitunori for including my verse in Haiku Column's Daily Best for 17th May! The Japanese translation is by Tadashi Otsuru. Sono grato a Nagata Mitunori per aver incluso i miei versi tra i migliori del giorno di Haiku Column per il 17 maggio! La traduzione in giapponese è di Tadashi Otsuru. haikua ssp apsv

lunedì 27 maggio 2024

My Verse in Haiku Garden's Weekly Best

Many thanks to Florence Mühlebach for including my verse in Haiku Garden’s Weekly Best (6-11 May)! Molte grazie a Florence Mühlebach per aver incluso i miei versi tra i migliori della settimana (6-11 maggio) di Haiku Garden! haikua ssp apsv

My Haiku in "Cold Moon Journal"

Big thanks to Roberta Beach Jacobson for publishing my haiku in “Cold Moon Journal”!    haikua ssp

venerdì 17 maggio 2024

My Senryu in "Five Fleas"

Thanks to editor Roberta Beach Jacobson for publishing my caustic senryu on “Five Fleas”!    haikua ssp

mercoledì 15 maggio 2024

My Spring Verse in "Haikuniverse"

Many thanks to editor Rick Lupert for publishing my spring haiku on “Haikuniverse”!     haikua ssp

UPDATE: A variant of this haiku has been published on “Under the Basho” on 22nd May:

domenica 5 maggio 2024

Un mio haiku in "Memorie di una geisha"

Grazie infinite a Eufemia Griffo per aver incluso un mio haiku nella sua ultima selezione per il suo blog “Memorie di una geisha”:   haikua apsv

giovedì 2 maggio 2024

Haiku by Kim Olmtak Gomes

All rights of the texts presented here remain with the author. haikua

parasitic insect

mother clinging to her childhood toy


sunspots on baby’s cheeks

hidden nest

couple adopts a blind orphan

spring cloak

her own hair after chemo


the number of tourists explodes

old oak tree

father awaits me in the doorway


old man hikes up the mountain



Kim Olmtak Gomes was born in Suriname, South America, where she currently resides. At present retired, she still teaches English on a part time basis. She writes haiku and is published in print and online journals.


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