mercoledì 26 marzo 2025

My Spring Verse in "Sense & Sensibility"

Many thanks to Patricia Carragon for publishing my spring short poem in the April issue of her haiku journal “Sense & Sensibility”  haikua ssp

domenica 23 marzo 2025

My Short Poetry in "Kokako"

Elated to have two of my short poems in Issue#42 of the haiku journal “Kokako”!     haikua ssp

giovedì 13 marzo 2025

My "Apples" Haiku in "Asahi Haikuist Network"

Delighted to have my spring haiku included in the renowned poetry column "Asahi Haikuist Network" (March 7, 2025) edited by David McMurray.  haikua ssp 

lunedì 3 marzo 2025

Haiku by Cherie Jameison

 All rights of the texts presented here remain with the author.

winter...calls restored...

phone "chirped" to signal service--

loved ones' dear voices

their beasts...parading...

hand silhouetted on walls--

through age-old long nights

migrating people....

flying off to warmer climes--

their planes' serene hum

quilted lap blanket--

its forest pattern warms up

the cold forest air

must block predators--

they boomerang their victims,

they hide in long nights

strong infrastructure

builds a strong economy--

young beaver adds sticks

Route 66 ends

at Santa Monica pier--

sound of winter sea

Yosemite lunch--

scraps remain...Steller's jays watch

diners leave dishes

piggy bank emptied--

coins clink into bucket of

Christmas bell ringer

shopping for good meal

from trash collection spillage--

seagulls at the mall

politics market--

dealers hawking nuggets....which

are real, or fool's gold



Cherie Jameison has been a published poet since her teenage years. Her haiku teacher was Lorraine Ellis Harr (Tombo). She writes to bring people together and to help the planet.


If you like “Leisure Spot” and its free contents, make a small donation via PayPal or Ko-fi to support the blog.

domenica 2 marzo 2025

My Haiku in "The Mamba"

Honoured to be featured in the February issue of the African journal “The Mamba”! The first short poem refers to professor and poet Adjei Agyei-Baah and his brilliant haiku collection "Piece of My Fart".    haikua ssp  


sabato 1 marzo 2025

My Winter Haiku in "Tsuri-Dōrō"

Glad to share my winter haiku included in Issue #26 (March/April) of the renowned haiku journal "Tsuri-Dōrō"!   haikua ssp

venerdì 28 febbraio 2025

Two Haiku of Mine in "Password"

Felice di condividere i miei due haiku pubblicati nel numero 2.1 (febbraio) di “Password”, una rivista online dedicata alla poesia breve. Glad to share my two haiku published in Issue 2.1 (February) of "Password: the journal of very short poetry". haikua ssp apsv

martedì 25 febbraio 2025

My Winter Poems in Haiku Column's Daily Best

Many thanks to Nagata Mitunori for including my winter short poems in Haiku Column’s Daily Best! Mille grazie a Nagata Mitunori per aver incluso le mie poesie brevi invernali tra le migliori del giorno di Haiku Column! haikua ssp apsv

* November 13, 2024 [also featured in the February issue of "Haikukai" / pubblicata anche sul numero di febbraio di "Haikukai":]

 * December 5, 2024 [also selected for inclusion in the March issue of "Haikukai" / selezionata anche per la pubblicazione sul numero di marzo di "Haikukai":]

 * December 13, 2024

 * January 12, 2025

martedì 18 febbraio 2025

My Short Poems in "The Bamboo Hut"

Overjoyed to have three haiku of mine in the February issue of the online journal “The Bamboo Hut”!  haikua ssp


mercoledì 12 febbraio 2025

Haiku di Mine Mukose / 向瀬美音 - Primavera (Traduzione di Maurizio Brancaleoni)

 ** Tutti i diritti sui testi originali presentati sono e restano dell’autrice. Tutti i diritti sulle traduzioni in italiano sono riservati, la riproduzione totale o parziale è vietata. Per informazioni, scrivere a **    haikua



scorre scorre la penna avanzando:

vento su foglie nuove


carri armati attraversano il confine:

primavera fredda


bella giornata:

ascoltando Chopin pareggio i bordi


luce di primavera:

scorre sull'incavo della schiena


sgranocchiando zucchero di Castella

mi aggrappo alla primavera


luna velata:

no, non so scrivere quell’unica riga


grave s’ode la pastosità dell’archetto:

mal di primavera


in fondo alla fila in gita

scomposte le nubi bianche


senza riserve offro il mio corpo:

mare a primavera


tremola l'aria:

il viaggio senza fine di un poeta


ancora un segreto a coprire:

scialle primaverile


pieno e soffice il soffio del piccino:


飛花落花全身で浴ぶ君の 詩

volano i fiori, cadono i fiori:

tutto il corpo asperso di tue poesie


neve a primavera:

un addio detto splendidamente


vuota la cassetta della posta:

le gru tornano a casa


vento fresco sul viso:

il mercatino di pianticelle


la balena ingoia Pinocchio:

Giornata della Terra


la potatura:

nel cielo blu si va disegnando uno schizzo


primavera piena:

la dea delle arti un po' inclinata


c'è ancora una via su cui proseguire:

riluce il vento


le braccia traboccanti di mimosa

arriva una ragazza


raccolta di vongole:

si gratta un po’ la terra

allodola allodola:

la marmellata fatta bollire


lontano la rana:

la cena pronta, pettino i capelli


gli orecchini di perla vanno oscillando



regolare il respiro del bimbo nel sonno


argentata la luce che emana dal banco di trote


pruno rosso:

l'amore non si limita ai toni pallidi


loto bianco:

dentro l'utero il movimento del bimbo


incolmabile la profondità del pozzo:



dopo l'incontro i capelli lucidi:

neve a primavera


città di templi:

nel meriggio calmo l'azalea arde


conosce bene le tonalità del cielo la rondine


nel pergolato di glicine

sussulto per un abbraccio


il salice piangente e i capelli neri


percorro il mappamondo con il dito:

tempo delle gemme


magnolia viola:

il terribile karma di una donna


a grandi gocce colano le lacrime:

tempo di gemme


oltre il pergolato di glicine

il lezzo del mondo errante


scivola flessibile sulla spalla:

maglione primaverile


alba a primavera:

dalla serratura una fievole luce

Nata a Tokyo, dove vive tuttora, Mine Mukose (向瀬美音) è laureata in lingue straniere all’Università Sophia. In anni recenti ha pubblicato diverse antologie di haiku internazionali raggruppati per termine stagionale (kigo). Attualmente gestisce il gruppo Facebook “Haiku Garden”.



Se “Leisure Spot” e i suoi contenuti gratuiti ti piacciono, fai una piccola donazione tramite PayPal o Ko-fi per supportare il blog.

mercoledì 5 febbraio 2025

My Ghost Owl Poem in "Pure Haiku"

Thanks a million to Freya Pickard for featuring my 5-7-5 haiku prompted by Kerfe Roig’s suggestive drawing on her poetry blog “Pure Haiku”! haikua ssp

lunedì 27 gennaio 2025

My Haiku in "Sense & Sensibility"

Thrilled to have a haiku of mine in the February issue of “Sense & Sensibility” edited by Patricia Carragon! You can read the full issue here haikua ssp

domenica 26 gennaio 2025

My Summer Haiku in a Coin-Operated Press Zine

Glad to share my "Haiku for Summer" included in "Another Revolution: A Seasonal Poetry Zine" edited by Coin-Operated Press! haikua ssp

domenica 5 gennaio 2025

My Poetry in "Darkly Beautiful"

Elated to be featured in the January issue of “Darkly Beautiful”! haikua ssp

giovedì 2 gennaio 2025

My Name in the European Top 100 Haiku Authors

Pleasantly surprised and truly honoured to see my name in the "European Top 100 most creative haiku authors" for 2024! Big thanks to Krzysztof Kokot for selecting me and notifying me. Here you can find the complete list. 

mercoledì 1 gennaio 2025

My Two New Year's Poems in "5-7-5 Haiku Journal"

Thanks a lot to DJ Tyrer for hosting my two short poems, one for the end of the past year and one for the New Year, in “5-7-5 Haiku Journal”! haikua ssp

* December 30th

* January 1st

martedì 31 dicembre 2024

My Haiku in "Under the Basho"

Glad to share my verse published in “Under the Basho” in late November of this year!      haikua ssp

giovedì 26 dicembre 2024

My Verse Dedicated to Buson in「俳句界」 / "Haikukai"

Huge thanks to Nagata Mitunori for including my autumn short poem in the January issue of the Japanese journal “Haikukai”! The translation into Japanese is by Tadashi Otsuru. haikua ssp

martedì 24 dicembre 2024

I miei haiku nel Calendario dell'Avvento di "Memorie di una geisha"

Grazie mille a Eufemia Griffo per aver pubblicato quattro miei haiku nel Calendario dell’Avvento del suo blog di poesia “Memorie di una geisha”!    haikua apsv

*4 dicembre

*13 dicembre


 *19 dicembre

 *24 dicembre

sabato 21 dicembre 2024

My Xmas Haiku in "Shadow Pond Journal"

Many thanks to Katherine E Winnick for publishing my unconventional haiku in Issue IV of her fabulous journal “Shadow Pond Journal”!      haikua ssp 

venerdì 13 dicembre 2024

My Poetry in "5-7-5 Haiku Journal"

Many thanks to DJ Tyrer for publishing three haiku of mine in “5-7-5 Haiku Journal”!

*November 18 haikua ssp

*November 29

*December 13

lunedì 9 dicembre 2024

Haiku by Tadashi Otsuru /大津留直 (Japanese / English) (Translations Revised by Maurizio Brancaleoni)

** All rights of the texts presented here remain with the author. The English translations were provided by the author himself and were only slightly edited for improvement purposes. **


In the summer heat, the threat blends with a dream. 



The autumn leaves are like a thousand clear eyes looking at me.


The sound of a swarm of cicadas: Anacreon's poetic style.


The spirit of language belongs to the world: a cloud looking like a school of sardines.


Walking along the left bank, where there are many graves: the cold stings the skin.


A very small step towards decommissioning the nuclear power plant: late autumn.


The long night when I pray that the nuclear reactor will not reach criticality.


Gravel on the steps of the mausoleum: the sound of autumn.


Water hollows out the rock and forms a hundred stripes of icicles: the winter waterfall.


The children with paralysis gather in the path: warm winter.


The sea light moves across the hills: the rice ears form waves.


The cicadas singing in the evening clear the air around me.


The winter sun's rays gently spill over the gravestone.


The strange rock is burning with anger at me.


In response to tonight's full moon: the strange voice of a paralyzed me.


Auschwitz in the depths of my ears: the darkness of spring.


Winter has come: I grieve over the hardness of my limbs.


Let's go and enjoy the autumn colours in a relaxed way: my wheelchair.


The pine tree that never changes colour: next to it a banana-shaped object.


A folding fan that looks like it's saying something with deep emotion.


Even if the summer thistle is trodden on, it will still produce a blue-green wind.


The akebi fruits hang down so that they can be reached by wheelchair users.


"Live like a fleeing warrior," says the full moon a month after the bright moon.


The sound of wooden clappers on a cold night: the galaxies merge together.


An old poet meets a nude woman’s statue on a cool autumn day.


Cold forest: a violin of superlative technique


Summer evening rain: the primeval forest seems to be shrouded in smoke.


"Without soy sauce, it's no feast," says the living soul.


Hands and feet stiffen like stone: the anniversary of the end of the war.


"I like birds more than people," says the scarecrow.


The young horses are running this way and that in the first autumn storm.


Deep autumn: I will warp to that blue sky.


The flowers of Japanese silver leaf light up the weathered stone guardian dogs.


The hound leads the hunter to his prey: the heat of summer grass.


I made a horse puppet of new straw stand up.


Even though I consider myself a Buddhist disciple, I burn caterpillars.


In the shade of the trees: the loud snoring of an old gardener.

Born in Mie, Tadashi Otsuru received a PhD in Philosophy from the University of Tübingen, Germany, and taught at Osaka University and Kwansei Gakuin University in the city of Nishinomiya. Alongside poetic compositions (his poetry collectionTemporary Bridgeappeared in 2020), he has had various essays and translations published.



If you like “Leisure Spot” and its free contents, make a small donation via PayPal or Ko-fi to support the blog.