and honoured to have my haiku included in the Haiku Corner selection
for Week 23 (5 - 9 June 2023). haikua ssp
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giovedì 29 giugno 2023
My June Ku in "Haiku Corner"

mercoledì 28 giugno 2023
More Fabulous Haiku by Walter Penna
All rights of the texts presented here remain with the author.
now plagued by wordplay
punished by prompt plethora
prepare some proverbs
nor days nor nights - the...
endless life one is left with...
becomes one's phantom
avoid the street yet
now like Issa sweep the step
dust off 'Good mornings'
it is late so soon
from being early so long
let it feel timeless
Spring anoints blind hope
hands the texture of forest
bear witness turn sod
When Metaphor plays -
a Finnish farmhouse dance night
finishes at dawn
Little Collins Street
like dear Gertrude van Seltzig
cries out for haiku
linguists, linguini,
lingerie - long lists lean like
lizards licking lunch
feel for an orange
draw off peel that draws the eye
segment my pleasure
time stands still and waits
for our awareness to call
survey so-called once
Issa at Eastbourne -
oh for the sake of saké
let the mermaids see!
slapped down like wet fish
some glisten lie caught complete
some ask with one eye
Issa's jasmine tea
cools untouched as he withdraws
into the same world
watch new life unfurl -
a sense of close remoteness
reaches into us.
'On ferns in Spring'
Time and man measure
the long shadow of the wind
where the grasses wave
walk to Seahouses
my inner Issa smells shell
as it becomes sand
with day's dark decease
beginnings and conclusions
linger in our dreams
no scat lays a trail
so go out the wrong entrance
get lost hurriedly
'In search of the Engine Room, Tottenham Hale'
a late night silence
slinks through the world's solitude
paws at weariness
post midnight quiet -
no early June revellers
are heard rejoicing
nest like no other
woven by Kobayashi
from his oldest broom
'WARNING - Contains haiku'
the corner unlit
needs mobile screen to assist
5-7-5 moments
Walter Penna, the Cornish poet resident in London considers himself Cornish European, writes haiku and other poetic forms. Influences – Bashô, Robert Frost, Ogden Nash, Hilaire Belloc, Chekov and Théophile Gautier among a lifetime of others. haikua
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venerdì 23 giugno 2023
My Orchid-Themed 5-7-5 in "Pure Haiku"
I’m grateful to “Pure Haiku” editor Freya Pickard for selecting my 5-7-5 written in response to the fourth picture clockwise in an orchid photo sequence by Jonathon B. Hoyt. Feel free to leave a comment with your thoughts here. haikua ssp

lunedì 12 giugno 2023
Una poesia di Donatella Maino
** Tutti i diritti sul testo presentato sono e restano dell’autrice. **
S'eleva ad offertorio
il sole d'alba,
s'insinua nella bocca,
apre la gola a liturgie segrete,
un elogio alla negazione:
un gioco inquietante di volti
mangiati dalla notte, colpiti alle spalle
dalla mia disperata voglia di salvarli.
Muoio ogni giorno su navate incompiute
prendendo la forma di un libro profanato.
Donatella Maino
Se “Leisure Spot” e i suoi contenuti gratuiti ti piacciono, fai una piccola donazione tramite PayPal o Ko-fi per supportare il blog.

domenica 11 giugno 2023
I miei haiku in "Memorie di una geisha"
Felicissimo di essere ospite del blog internazionale “Memorie di una geisha” a cura di Eufemia Griffo nella selezione di haiku del 19 maggio e del 10 giugno. haikua apsv